I NY Agriculture Art Contest
2012 Winners Entries
A color drawing or painting on 8 1/2" by 11" paper.
A color drawing or painting on 8 1/2" by 11" paper showing your favorite food and yourself.
A painting or color drawing on 8 1/2" by 11" paper with a four-sentence paragraph on the theme.
A painting or color drawing on 8 1/2" by 11" paper showing where milk comes from and milk products.

1st Place
Joshua MillerFonda-Fultonville
"My favorite New York food that is good for me is the apple. But I also love bacon which comes from a pig. Bacon is delicious with eggs! I love New York food!"

2nd Place
Dylan CotterFonda-Fultonville
"Picking berries is sweet family fun. We go to local farms to pick. We empty our baskets to wash them up. Strawberries are yummy in my tummy."

3rd Place
Nicholas HastingsFonda-Fultonville
"My favorite New York food is apples. Apples are grown and picked from trees in the fall. People can make cider, pies, donuts, crisp, sauce, and candy apples. My family has four apple trees in our back yard."

Honorable Mention
Selene Lin, PS 178Q"Corn can be made into flour, bread, and can be eaten fried or boiled. It is in many foods. Corn can be fed to people and animals. Corn is a part of the vegetable group. Corn, eat it up!"

Honorable Mention
Mikayla TatlowFranklinville Elementary
"I like pumpkins because you can make pumpkin pie. Pumpkin seeds are so good with salt on them. They can come in different colors like white, orange, pink, or green. Pumpkins are fun because you can make faces on them and light them up with a candle."
A painting or color drawing on 8 1/2" by 11" paper with a one-sentence slogan about New York agriculture. The slogan can be general or specific to a particular agricultural process or commodity.

1st Place
Teara TattroDeleven Elementary
"New York Strawberries are Berry Good"

2nd Place
Aidan AmslieMount Markham
"Agriculture Makes Our Roots Deep"

3rd Place
Jezlea OrtegaPS 175Q
"New York Agriculture: Where Healthy is on your Side"

Honorable Mention
Jenna O'ConnellCandor Elementary
"Give Junk Food the Boot
Eat Fruit"

Honorable Mention
Melanie HoytStamford Central
"Milk does the Country Moo Moo Good"
The poem can be general or specific. If specific, focus on one of the over 200 agricultural commodities produced in New York State, a specific farm/farmer, or an aspect of the food system.
- 1st Place — Jesse Fisher, Cattaraugus-Little Valley Intermediate
- 2nd Place — Leah Pasqualetti, South Davis Elementary
- 3rd Place — Shivam Nanavati, McNamara Elementary
- Honorable Mention — Sarah Nicholson, Brasher Falls
- Honorable Mention — Erin Schneider, Colder Elementary
An original informative or narrative (may be real or imagined) text that utilizes research and information from a variety of sources to develop the topic or story. Writing should be without reference to specific brands or trademarked products. Max. 500 words.
- 1st Place — Liam Sayward, Homeschool
- 2nd Place — Austin Ainslie, Mount Markham
- 3rd Place — Meganne Chapman, Ellicottville Central
- Honorable Mention — Jordan Houston, Groton Elementary
- Honorable Mention — Alex Miller, Groton Elementary
On 11" by 17" paper. A poster that celebrates a New York farm or farmer(s), using media of your choice.