About Soybeans
Soybeans are a protein, vitamin, and mineral dense legume. Originating from Southeast Asia, the United States and Brazil are the top producers of soybeans producing almost three quarters of the world's soybean harvest.
Soybeans have many uses. Soybeans are in the legume family which are nitrogen fixing plants. Nitrogen fixing plants help to add nitrogen to soils through a symbiotic relationship with bacteria found in healthy soil. Soybeans are often used in crop rotations to replenish nitrogen in the soil that other crops might deplete. Soybeans have also been used to restore soil health in many places where soils have become degraded.
Soybeans are used for human and livestock feed as they are protein and nutrient rich. Soybeans contain some of the highest levels of protein compared to other forms of livestock feed. Protein is needed for muscle and tissue growth, organ health, as well as livestock milk production.
Soybeans can be eaten cooked or can be processed into products such as tofu, soy milk, soy sauce, and soybean oil. They are also used to create industrial products like tires, adhesives, industrial chemicals, lubricants, and synthetic oils.
Soybeans are planted from seed. After sending out roots, the two seed halves push out of the ground as the first leaves of the plant which fuels the initial growth. The plant will continue to add leaves throughout the growing season. Once days start to shorten the soybean will start its reproductive stage by putting out flowers. A single plant can create sixty to eighty pods per plant with two to three beans per pod.
When it is time to harvest, the pods and plants will turn brown and dry out. Farmers will use combines to harvest the soybean plant which chops the plant, separates the pods, and separates the beans from the pods. The beans are then trucked away to be processed.
Soybeans are ready to harvest for fresh use in forty-five to sixty-five days. It takes 100+ days for soybeans to become mature enough to be used for dried long-term storage.
Fun Facts
- Studies done at Cornell University show that, New York soybeans have higher protein and are lower in oils than soybeans grown in other parts of the country.