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New York Agriculture in the Classroom

Christmas Trees

About Christmas Trees

About Christmas Trees

The modern-day practice of decorating a Christmas tree can be tied back to 15th century Germany and Latvia, although there is evidence that the custom of decorating with evergreen branches was practiced in the ancient world.

Traditionally, the species of trees which are harvested as Christmas trees are from the conifer phylum. Conifers form cones filled with seeds. Most conifers have waxy needles or tight waxy leaves and keep these throughout the year making them the most colorful tree in a winter forest.

Christmas trees did not find popularity in the United States until the late 1800s. Traditionally, families would go into the woods and choose a conifer tree to cut down and bring home for their Christmas celebrations.

Today, the Christmas tree industry looks much different. Christmas tree farms can be found in almost every state. Trees start their lives as saplings grown in a nursery. In the spring, farmers begin planting new seedlings to replenish their stock. It takes roughly seven years for a tree to reach seven to eight feet or a mature size for harvesting. In June through July farmers trim older trees to give them the conical Christmas tree shape. This is done yearly to help maintain the tree shape, focus growth, and remove cones.

Agrotourism, designing an experience for the public around participating in agriculture, is a major part of the Christmas tree industry. Many farms encourage customers to cut down their own tree and pull it out of the forest on a slay, play holiday music, offer hayrides, keep warming fires burning, and offer refreshments and holiday crafts to help build the sense of nostalgia around the Christmas tree harvesting experience.

In New York, there are around 800 Christmas tree farms. These farms harvest over 200,000 tress a year which are sold to the general public or wholesale to tree lots or stores. Due to the hard work of NY Christmas tree farmers, the state ranks eighth nationally in Christmas tree production.

Trip to the Farm

Take a virtual field trip to Springside Farm, a real NY Christmas tree farm, to learn how NY Christmas trees are grown, cut, and wrapped to be transported across the Empire State.

Fun Facts

  • Since 1931 there has been a tradition of displaying a Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, NY. There is a committee of individuals who select each year's Christmas tree from around the northeast. The tree is on average 60 to 100 feet tall and decorated with many specially made ornaments, ribbons, and lights.

Dig Deeper

Use the following links to learn more about Christmas trees, the Christmas tree industry, and Christmas tree research.

Lessons and Resources

Want to use standards-based Christmas tree focused lessons in your classroom, find more resources to take learning with Christmas trees further, or locate texts that support core content teaching featuring Christmas trees, these can all be found at our AITC Lesson Matrix.

Additional Virtual Field Trips

Food and fiber networks are more complex than a single farm, check out these additional Christmas tree focused virtual experiences to take your agriculturally based knowledge to another level.
