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New York Agriculture in the Classroom


About Peas

About Peas

Peas plants grow best in moderate to cool weather. This makes them a great early and late crop for cooler growing regions. There are two growing types of pea plants: low bush plants and tendril vine plants. There are also many variations of species of pea plants. Variations like the English peas are allowed to fully mature before they are harvested. Other variations such as the snow peas are harvested before the peas mature and the pod becomes fibrous. These types of peas are eaten whole, pea and pod.

Peas can be planted directly in the ground or started inside. After a few weeks, pea shoots can be planted in the field. Pea plants prefer cooler soil and will begin to bear fruit at around fifty days after germination. Peas are harvested by machine on larger farms and by hand in smaller home gardens.

When pea plants are young, around 2 to 4 weeks after germination, the plants itself can be harvested and eaten whole. Pea shoots, young pea plants, are packed with nutrients and vitamins. And, do to the ease of growing peas and its many uses, it makes the pea plant a very versatile crop.

Pea plants are also "nitrogen fixers" taking nitrogen from the air and storing it in their roots, stalks, and leaves. To do this, pea plants grow nodules around healthy bacteria allowing them to capture and process nitrogen in a symbiotic relationship or a relationship that benefits both organisms. When harvested, plant remains can be composted or turned back into the soil "fixing" nitrogen into the soil. Often, farmers will plant a second crop directly following the pea harvest as the soil will have an abundance of nitrogen and peas have a shorter growing season compared to other crops.

Fun Facts

  • New York is the second leading producer of snap peas and fifth in green pea production in the United States.
  • According to Cornell University, there are over 20,000 acres dedicated to pea production in NY with 99% of the peas that are processed in New York State becoming canned and frozen with only 1% sold on the fresh market.
  • Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics, used pea plants for his experiments on how genetics are displayed or expressed from one generation to the next.

Dig Deeper

Use the following links to learn more about peas, the pea industry, and pea research.

Lessons and Resources

Want to use standards-based pea focused lessons in your classroom, find more resources to take learning with peas further, or locate texts that support core content teaching featuring peas, these can all be found at our AITC Lesson Matrix.
