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New York Agriculture in the Classroom


Agricultural Literacy Week

Agricultural Literacy Week ~ March 17-21, 2025

How Does Agricultural Literacy Week (ALW) Work?

In celebration of New York agriculture, volunteers throughout the state will read a book with an agricultural theme to elementary students, with a focus on second grade classrooms. Farmers, FFA and 4-H members, adults engaged in a career in agriculture, and engaged in our food system volunteer to enthusiastically engage your students in a paired hands-on activity related to the book to extend learning. The book will be donated to the school or classroom library with a bookplate recognizing the donor and our celebration of New York Agricultural Literacy Week. 3,100 books were donated last year with over 103,000 students participating in the book reading and related hands-on activity.

Start to finish the program takes approximately 40 minutes per classroom

  1. Agricultural Literacy Week volunteers work with their county's coordinator to set up visits to local schools
  2. Volunteers read the selected book aloud to the students.
  3. Following the reading, volunteers conduct an activity with students and share their experiences in agriculture.
  4. The book is donated to the school or classroom library for students to enjoy and reference throughout the school year.

All activity materials are prepared by NYAITC and schools get to keep a copy of the book for their school or classroom library.

About This Year's Book

The Pie That Molly Grew
Written by Sue Heavenrich
Illustrated by Chamisa Kellogg
The Pie That Molly Grew

Beginning with the planting of a single seed, join Molly on the journey of bringing a pumpkin to harvest. Under Molly’s watchful eye and care, each stage of growth – from the seed to the sprout to the leaves to the final fruit on the vine – is showcased. At the end, Molly’s lovely pumpkin is turned into a delicious pie to one and all to share in a celebration of gratitude. All from the seed that Molly sowed.

It is an honor to feature New York author Sue Heavenrich for our 2025 Agricultural Literacy Week program. Based in Tioga County, Sue is a lifelong lover of biology, gardening, and reading. A teacher of many sorts, Sue especially loves telling stories about the science she sees in her backyard, or in this case, her garden!

Educator Resource Guide

Coming soon!

Activity Materials

Coming soon!

Companion Lessons and Resources


Coming soon!

Agricultural Literacy Week Archive

Agricultural Literacy Week has helped to bring agriculturally themed books and resources into thousands of classrooms and libraries throughout New York State.

Click book image below to explore past years books and resources.
I LOVE Strawberries
Tomatoes for Neela
Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table
Chuck's Ice Cream Wish
Right This Very Minute
On the Farm, At the Market
Before We Eat: From Farm to Table
The Grapes Grow Sweet
The Apple Orchard Riddle
Weaving the Rainbow
Who Grew My Soup?
The Beeman
The Honeybee Man
Seed, Soils, Sun
Chicks & Chickens
The Tree Farmer
Sugarbush Spring
Empire State Investigator
Lily's Garden
Extra Cheese Please

Sponsorships & Donations

Would you like to fund the purchase of one or more books?

The books are $15 each and will be donated to the school library after being read.

Contact your county coordinator for more details on where to send your donation. Donors will be recognized on a special bookplate. You may choose to have your donated book sent to a specific school, or to read it yourself to your local school.

For County Coordinators

This area of NYAITC's website is for those who assist with carrying out Agriculture in the Classroom programming. County coordinators should follow the link below to login and access planning documents and information regarding Agricultural Literacy Week.